Hi and welcome to the new blog feature for Hampshire Dragonflies. Here you will find the latest sightings and photographs of Odonata in Hampshire and The New Forest.

So far the season has taken a while to establish itself with a rather cool May following a reasonable April. My own personal sightings were of freshly emerged Large Reds on the 22nd April followed by increased populations of mature individuals especially around the small pond at Hatchet Moor.

This was followed by my first sighting of a fresh Broad-bodied Chaser near King’s Hat and my first ever Downy Emerald – again freshly moulted – at Broomy Pond.

During May sightings improved – albeit slowly – with Large Reds abundant. increased populations of Azures and reasonable numbers of Blue Tails at various sites including Romsey Water Meadows, Titchfield Haven and Pennington.

However it wasn’t until Sunday 23rd that things really started happening with fabulous activity from Broad-bodied’s, Four Spotted’s, a lone Keeled Skimmer and yet More Downy Emeralds.

Yesterday (26th) I witnessed my first Emperor at Titchfield Haven followed by my first proper sightings of Male & Female Hairy Dragonflies – a species I have been hunting for the last month in the hope of getting a few photographs. I’m glad to say I achieved my goal which was made considerably easier by finding the individuals in question perched among the pondside vegetation. Certainly a day and opportunity I won’t forget.

As the summer evolves I will be out & about as much as possible and posting my findings here.
Here’s to a good season!