When I first became fascinated with dragonflies I was eager to discover
more locations where I could observe and photograph these beautiful insects.
I used a combination of searching google, reading maps, good old-fashioned
legwork and local knowledge. I soon became frustrated with the 'xx species recorded here' signs by nature
reserves etc when the reality failed to live up to expectations. The key
word here is 'recorded'. Just because a species has been recorded at a
particular site doesn't mean you'll encounter it yourself. Most of these
records are over the course of many years and may only contain one occurrence
over a decade!
What was needed was an up-to-date list of species resident at a particular location. Any fly-ins by wanderers were merely a bonus. Luckily there are some internet sites and blogs written by enthusiasts which give a truer picture, but not nearly enough. With this in mind I set about creating
a site guide based on my own experiences., starting with the New Forest and incorporating other locations
as and when I've had the pleasure to visit.
Every location has been visited by myself either alone, with my partner
Sue or in the company of other dragonfly enthusiasts. Each site has a brief
description, grid references linking to a map and a list of resident species.
The list is by no means comprehensive and if your favourite site is not
listed it is mainly because I've not had the pleasure of visiting myself.
If you have a favourite site which you feel would be of value and suitable
for inclusion, please e-mail me the location including grid references,
a brief description and a list of resident species.
Please click on a location below to open a dedicated page
