After a slow start I had expected a return to a normal August, but the weather hasn’t been kind. We did have was a return to default August weather, which, although good for replenishing the ponds, has meant I haven’t been out anywhere near as much as I’d like to.

On those days I have been out it’s been exceptionally quiet. During mid-August there are usually a bevy of Migrant, Brown, a few Southern and even Common Hawkers to observe feeding along the treeline, but the numbers are well down. Thankfully the sight of a Golden-ringed taking time out is always appreciated.

A fine summer of endless sun and plenty to get stuck in to has probably exaggerated matters. It feels more like September when you expect a dying down of activity. Perhaps the most surprising is the lack of Common Darters.

I guess we did have too much of a good thing and now it feels like the great hangover. The last time I had a chance to look at Ramsdown the water levels had increased a little, allowing some moments of joy after many moments of waiting.

A day of ‘sunny intervals’ means a few hours waiting for an celestial appearance, and does make you appreciate those moments when everything comes alive.

Bank Holiday predictably brought forth a proper deluge, and I’m looking forward to a return in some decent pond activity. Until then I’m grateful for those special moments.