On Saturday we had arranged to meet Doug Overton for a visit to Titchfield in the hope of spotting and photographing a Hairy Dragonfly or two before their season’s end. We arrived just after 9.30am and spent a couple of hours observing our quarry hawking the pond and the side channels, but had to be content with photographing other species – including yet another early Common Darter, a striking Four-spotted Chaser, male and female Emperors, a female Black-tailed Skimmer and the usual Azures and Blue-tails.

After nearly 3 hours we finally got our main prize as a male Hairy took off from the pond and landed high in the trees to feed on a Large Red Damselfly

After a celebratory cuppa, we parted company with an elated Doug and headed over to Testwood Lakes in search of more Scarce Chasers. This time we were lucky with spotting both sexes along with some male Black-tailed Skimmers.