A large, (63mm)
hawker similar to the Brown Hawker but with clear
wings and stunning green eyes. Currently found in
low-lying grazing meadows. fens & ditches in East
Anglia although it is increasing it's range, with
new colonies significantly appearing in East Kent.
Males patrol a small territory along ditches
or close to shore along river banks, frequently
perching on reeds. Several males can patrol the
same section, although they will adhere to their
own path, driving off other males
Like most dragonflies
females only visit water to mate or oviposit and
are frequently seen hawking clearings at height in
search of food. One of my first encounters with a
female revealed a curiosity normally seen in the
Southern Hawker, where the individual continually
circled me before landing on my bottom lip!
I first witnessed pairings in 2015 and was
pleasantly surprised to observe they rarely flew
out of reach, preferring to choose a nearby
suitable perch where they would remain unless