A large (73mm),
fast and elusive hawker obvious golden brown
Males patrol open, sunny areas
usually at a distance from shore either singly or
in numbers seemingly non-aggressive towards each
other. Individuals tend to follow a non-predictive
course over a per-ordained territory.
can also be observed hunting along sunny woodland
rides and clearings. One of our most
visually-striking hawkers in-flight, often gliding
with their golden wings reflecting the sun. They
rarely patrol in dull conditions, preferring warm,
still days.
Females can often be seen
ovipositing together, often utilising the same
log. They are not shy of approaching close to
shore, although are easily disturbed, and on
occasions have even attempted ovipositing into an
observer's boots!
Where there are several individuals sharing a
roost the slightest disturbance causes a chain
reaction where every individual in the vicinity
rises in a confusing and striking display before
One of the most difficult
hawkers to approach when perched and a constant
frustration for photographers.