Sunday 2nd August
A few weeks ago while at Bramshill I bumped into a fellow who was intrigued at what I was up to. By no means the first time, as often when out in the field I get accosted by strangers asking what I could possibly be photographing.
I like to remain polite, but there are occasions when Mr. Hyde takes over and they are presented with sarcasm or pedantry; a favourite response being Pterodactyls, just to gauge their sense of humour. Thankfully the majority are fascinated and pleased to be introduced to a whole new world right in front of their eyes.
Shortly after my Bramshill encounter I received an e-mail from Aaron Cook asking if I’d be interested in participating in a short video about dragonflies. Knowing full well I have a face for radio and a voice best experienced when silent, I tentatively answered yes to the idea.
After a few weather-induced postponements we agreed to meet and give it a shot. Aaron was already set up on site as I arrived and proceeded to fit me with a microphone and direct a little dialogue, something which I was totally nervous about. Maybe I should have brought the other flask.
While I was wallowing in my wellies, pointing the lens at some Red-eyed hovering around the Lilies, I noticed a Small Red-eyed, the first I had personally seen here, but that’s probably due to me not being here last year at this time.

Our best opportunity came with a friendly and reliable Emperor. After checking us both out individually, he proceeded to put on a show for both our benefits, even hovering long enough for Aaron to capture him on screen.

I was busy panning and predicting, shooting off a few but waiting for that ‘moment’. In the meantime nosy Common Darter provided a diversion

That ‘moment’ arrived when the Emperor approached close enough to capture the detail., providing me with one of my best in-flighters.

Aaron was a little surprised at how mobile you have to be to get the full benefits, yet I left out many of the pockets I normally include. Thankfully the shoreline had enough interest and opportunities to give him the footage he needed.

An interesting day for sure, and another where I took the back seat and learned many things about a different medium, but more about myself.