Thursday 10th May
A Flickr friend of mine posted possibly the best Hairy photograph I’ve yet seen the previous day, so I knew it was time. I’d already planned a visit for this week and, as long as the weather held out, I’m going.
If you’ve never been to the Somerset Levels, you’re missing out! My favourite days are days filled with too many dragonflies to cope with, and today – as most days at Shapwick – was one of those days.

Weather was better than expected. Sure, a stiff breeze keeping you on your toes, but the diversity. First in the gate were Variable, Blue-tailed, Large Red, Azure and my first Hairy; a female flushed from the grass to land on the bramble.

Another one shortly after, and enough opportunities in the river bank to keep you sane despite the grass strimmers ruining the natural soundtrack as the work party were shaving the margins, along with a few unfortunate victims.
With the incessant buzz still in my ears I attempted to seek a quieter environment. I’ve always been a fan of the ‘Sweet Track’; something very mindful about following in the footsteps of our ancestors, however managed it may be to recreate the experience.

It’s magical – as you walk through the west-country equivalent of rain forest you are among nature at it’s finest. A brook-lined path festooned with all manner of insects to a soundtrack of birds and buzzing.

Every sunny clearing, no matter how small, revealed a Hairy or five, a few nervous Four-spotted and enough damsels to grab you macro and indulge.
I wanted to walk around again, and did. I hadn’t grabbed a photo for what seemed like ages, but I didn’t really care; such was the peace and ‘nature’ of this place.
Back on the river bank I noticed a fresh Scare Chaser in the grasses.

Three in total, although a few of those Four-spotted I spotted earlier at a distance might have been candidates.
Chuffed and hungry, I grabbed a snack and drink and had another go, but it was quieting down here so maybe have a look at Westhay?
Glad I went. Excellent Hairy activity with a good swarm of both sexes feeding along the treeline on damsels and any other unfortunate insect stupid enough to get in their path.

The insect equivalent of a shark attack|? You have to wonder. I’ve witnessed the community behaviour of Brown Hawkers enough and believe there is some team activity present.
Think about it – in these moments with Hairy (and Migrant) have you seen aggression within species when feeding? I haven’t – only when procreating.

So a thoroughly enjoyable day, and one I look forward to every Spring.